You are currently browsing the monthly archive for July 2008.

This family was so great to photograph.  Mom and Dad were so into each other . . . always smiling when they looked at each other.  It was wonderful . . . almost like I wasn’t even there.  It is such a privilege for me to capture the connection between couples and family members.  And who could resist their little guy?  So adorable!  I just love his peach fuzz haircut. 

I have lots more I love from this session, but I have to stop here because it almost 2:30am.  I promised my oldest daughter I would not, under any circumstances, get on the computer tomorrow during her waking hours.  So here I am staying up until the wee hours of the morning to finish my list of things to do on the computer. 

And before I go to bed I need to list 6 quirky things about myself.  I’ve been tagged by 2 of my good photography friends, Jackie and Megan.  Both of these ladies are extremely talented photographers.  Jackie is in Sydney, Australia and Megan is in Florida. 

The Rules

Link the person who tagged you

– Mention the rules on your blog

– Tell about 6 quirks of yours

– Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them

– Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers blogs letting them know they have been tagged.

1. We drink green smoothies nearly everyday for breakfast.  What makes them green?  Spinach!  Yes, my kids drink them.  They aren’t allowed to have anything else until they do.  We use raw spinach, not the slimy frozen stuff.  I make a big batch every morning . . . water, juice, lots of spinach, bananas, agave nectar (kind of like honey) and frozen strawberries.  Yum! 

I could do 6 quirks about food alone, but I’ll save that for another time.  🙂

2.  We pay cash for our cars.  Everyone around us drives nicer vehicles than we do, but once you swallow your pride it feels really good to not have car payments.  Right now we drive a 1993 Toyota Previa mini van and a 1995 Honda Civic. 

3.  I play Rock, Paper, Scissors nearly everynight with my kids when I put them to bed.  First one to take 3 rounds wins!  The reason we play is to determine how many hand claps we will do (you know . . . See, See My Playmate . . . Big Mac Filet O’ Fish . . . that kind of thing).  I always want one, they always want two.

4.  My hair . . . I’ve always had a love hate relationship with my black curly hair.  Not because it is black, but because it is curly.  Seriously . . . it’s curly.  God gave it to me so I’m learning to make the most of it.  People often say to me, “you remind me of someone . . . . ”  And I respond, “it’s the hair.”  If you know someone else that has black curly hair I automatically remind you of them. 

5.  I eat granola bars a lot.  I either need to learn how to make them, or cut back because they get expensive.  Okay that one was about food, but it wasn’t weird like some of the other food quirks I could tell you.

6.  I re-paint a room in our house about every 6 months.  I know, I have a problem.  I have to say though, I think I have finally found the perfect color for the living room . . . it is a light blue/aqua color.  I just painted it so I should be happy for awhile.  The kitchen on the other hand . . .

So now I am going to break the last two rules.  Remember it is now nearly 3 am and I need to go to bed.  No time to tag 6 other bloggers. 

If you’ve made it this far I am seriously impressed with your dedication to reading my blog.  Thanks!

I referred to in my last post.  These two are definitely something special.  I’m so glad my husband and I got to document their day.  Kristi, the bride, was in our youth group when my husband and I were youth leaders.  And now she is married.  How did that happen???  We love her so much and couldn’t be more excited for her.  Josh, the groom, is fun, energetic and completely in love with her. 

We just couldn’t say no when they asked us to photograph their wedding.  But for those of you wondering if we do weddings, we are very good at saying no now.  😉 

Josh and Kristi decided to see each other before the wedding so that allowed us plenty of time to do fun outdoor shots!  I hope you are pleased with your decision, guys. 

I’m kind of excited about the names on the sign. 

(This one looks much better BIG.  Unfortunately my blog only allows itty bitty horizontal images.)

I showed this picture to Kristi before the wedding just so she would know exactly what she was getting into.  🙂

Josh, can you handle this family?  I don’t know about the big guy on the right . . . he looks scary.

This is Josh when he saw Kristi coming down the aisle . . .

This is just one of many bubble shots you have to choose from, Kristi. 

I just love how Kristi is glowing here . . . it is like she is floating.

The parents having fun in the photo booth at the reception . . .

These two were nice enough to help me out by letting me use them to practice this new location.  This location will be used for something very special coming up soon.  More on that later.  This is my beautiful cousin and her excellent boyfriend (thanks for your help!!!).  I’m really loving this location.  I’m thinking I need to take my own family to this spot. 

And for those of you that know these two, this is NOT an engagement session.  So don’t go spreadin’ any rumors.  😉

A little vintage . . .

I blogged this family awhile ago, but I wanted to share this series of pictures.  Talk about real life.  I love these!

I know, I know . . . FINALLY.  My husband’s family reunion was back in June.  It was the first annual . . . at least I hope we are going to have it every year.  It was great connecting with everyone again (and some for the first time), and watching the kids play together. 

Now, for those of you not at the reunion, these are not my “style” of portraits, but I have to say I’m glad Aunt Nancy made us do it.  It is VERY important to document extended family.  This family has experienced great loss this year and pictures become even more important during those times.  So at your next family reunion break out the camera and take some pics!

We separated by generations . . . of course it was raining when we took these otherwise I would have had everyone outside.

Note the escape artist caught in action . . .

And then there is my generation . . . note how the women are hiding behind the guys.

And finally, the wise ones . . .

And of course I can’t leave this one out.  We warned you, Rob!  🙂  Happy Birthday!  I know, I’m a day late.  We’re both getting older this weekend. 

Here’s a fun fact . . . my husband has 6 first cousins (total from both sides).  I have 58 first cousins. 

This last one was taken on the 4th of July.  I love celebrating the 4th because I have so many great childhood memories.  My Aunt Ida was born on the 4th . . . she passed away in 2003.  Love you and miss you, Ida . . . we lit sparklers for you!