to my NEW blog!  The images are bigger, the atmosphere is lovely, and that is where I’ll be hanging out from now on.

Hope to see you there!

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The stomach flu has hit our house hard.  Bob and I are the lone survivors of it’s wrath.  Although I have had many a sleepless night . . . jumping off the chair every 1/2 hour to catch puke in a bucket.  Sounds fun doesn’t it.  🙂

My son got it first.  At that point I thought it was the stomach flu, but after 48 hours I started to PANIC.  Like, I’m loading him up and taking him to Children’s Urgent Care while he is vomiting into a bucket in the car kind of panic.  AND it was his birthday!!  Since no one else had gotten it yet I started thinking appendix, blocked intestines and he was complaining of chest pains . . . so that is an entirely new host of problems I dreamt up.  I think I even had the doctor concerned.  I cried, yes CRIED as I was driving him to the Urgent Care while talking to the doctor on the phone.    I was a mess.  I had never seen him that sick before.

As soon as my son was on the mend one of my daughter’s got it, and as soon as she was on the mend my other daughter got it (still has it actually).  Which brings us to today . . .

My son was sick on his birthday (as mentioned above) so we had to cancel his party and reschedule it for next weekend.  Well, he has had a lot of time to think about his birthday and his party so he devised a scheme to get a little more money to spend when his Grandma takes him shopping this week.  (Grandma gives all the grandkids $25 and takes them shopping so they can pick out their own gift.  If they have extra money they can bring it along and spend it too.)  Anyhoo . . . my son tells me he has made some snacks and wants to sell them.  I said okay . . . let’s see what you’ve got.

This is one of the snacks he made.  It instantly put a smile on my face.


This is how much it cost . . .


Of course this snack was too cute to eat, so I went with another snack that cost $9.  I gave him my credit card which he ran through his toy cash register.  After a minute or so he tells me he only takes CASH.  You can’t pull the wool over this boy’s eyes that is for sure.  And he tells me the money with the 20 on it will do nicely.  I gave him $1 (his allowance for the week).

I’m thinking when he is older he will make a mighty fine marketing/sales manager for the photography business.  🙂


That’s him . . . notice the bags under his eyes and the disheveled hair . . . we’re still recovering.

I just cannot get enough of the laughter!  So many smiles, so much fun!












Thanks guys for being such great sports!

Although I have to admit I would have loved to stay in Phoenix because of the weather and friends.  But I missed my hubby and kids.  Here is just one shot from my trip . . . a fabulous family we photographed in the desert.  I’ll have more to share next week.  


The time has finally come to go to the Beyond Photography conference! Looking forward to meeting online friends, learning heaps of photography and soaking up some sun. I’ll be back and returning emails next Tuesday.
Have a great weekend!

Could he BE any cuter???  I’ve photographed him 4 times now.  The first was when his Mom was pregnant with him.  He wasn’t always too keen on the camera, but that didn’t stop us from getting lots of good images.  Those blue eyes are such a treat!

Thanks Janice and Jason!  Your gallery is coming soon!


This one had me giggling.  It looks like he is trying to read my logo.


Who is that cute thang in the mirror???


I couldn’t decide on color or bw for this next one.  What do you think?

Love how he is hanging onto Dad’s shirt.


img_9473-edit-bwLove this one with Mom!

img_9499-editAnd this one with Dad!


I’m going through our 2008 photos to make a family album.   Came across this one.  I love everything about this . . . the sky, the shadow, her ponytail, and that bandaid that won’t stick to her knee anymore because of the sand.  She insisted on the bandaid.  Makes me smile to see it flapping in the wind.

She’s been telling me lately that I’m her BEST friend and she wants to keep me.  Makes my heart flutter.  She’s 3 and so sweet and lovey.  I will never tire of her hugs and kisses.

My sweet girl.


My daughter humored me one Sunday not long ago.  The weather was wonderful . . . sunny and in the 40s!  We still had a beautiful blanket of snow so I asked her to please, please let me take pictures of her playing in the woods.  She had worn her Matilda Jane skirt to church (they had a sale and I couldn’t resist) and I really wanted to get a few images of her wearing it.  She reluctantly agreed.  These were taken near where we live.   Once we got there she hopped out of the van and started running and exploring.  At one point I heard her say she was traveling back from the center of the earth.  🙂  After we were done I asked her if it was as bad as she thought it was going to be.  She said no and told me she had a lot of fun!  And that made me very happy.










Here is the finished wall of pictures.  You have no idea how many times those pictures have been rearranged.  My husband would catch me staring at them and he KNEW that meant there was a change a brewin’.  They have been this way for weeks.  So I think it is safe to say they will remain like this for awhile.  Each image is 12×12 mounted on 2mm styrene, sprayed for protection and then framed without glass.  Framing without glass cuts down on glare and really allows the pictures to pop.  Love that!

You can see this wall as soon as you walk in the front door.  It really makes a statement.  And it really helps to cure the winter blahs that can easily set in this time of year.

I copied got the idea from Tara Whitney.  Hey!  I used different images!  😉



That silver thing is an air purifier.



This is the other wall in the living room, just to the left of the wall of images.   This is how it looked right after I finished it.  Neat and tidy.


This is how it looks now.  A little more stuff, but not too bad.


My girls had the chance to model a few clothes for a friend that owns an online boutique.  They had so much fun dressing up in all the clothes (while I secretly stressed out about them ripping, staining and otherwise destroying these very fine linens which had to be neatly folded and returned).  The name of the store is Little Posh Princess.   And in case you are wondering about the pics, I did not all of a sudden give birth to a blonde child . . . she and her big sister belong to my friend, the owner of the store.  🙂

Whoa, Nelly!  Somebody pull the emergency brake.  This girl is growing up WAY.TOO.FAST.   Where did she get that look?  I didn’t teach her that.







